Racing The Planet
For general outdoor gear, RacingThePlanet’s Outdoor Store has a fantastic selection of high-quality offerings. These are the guys behind the incredible 4 Deserts trail running race series, another type of extraordinary adventure challenge!
22/F, 148 Wing Lok Street Sheung Wan, Hong Kong.
Tel: +852 8102 8113

Thorn are quite possibly the best touring bikes known to man. Mad Dogs founder Humphrey Wilson used a Rohloff-equipped Raven Tour for his 2009 bike ride from London to Hong Kong and he swears by it. If you’re after a serious touring/audax-style bike then you should definitely talk to these guys.
Wild Hong Kong
With over 70% of Hong Kong being made up of mountainous forests and lakes, the territory possesses a bounty of natural wonders. Wild Hong Kong focus on taking guided hikes around various parts of rural Hong Kong, exploring individual or multiple environments.

Wheel & Sprocket (USA)
Wheel & Sprocket is Wisconsin’s largest bike retailer with 4 locations in Milwaukee, two in Fox Valley and one in Chicago. With a personal touch since 1973, they aim to create a better cycling experience for all types of rider. We met the son of Wheel & Sprocket’s founder on his bike ride from London to HK.